Oh, how I have missed you, OCD blogging community! I have missed a lot of things. My life has become so busy as of late (in a good way), that I haven't had much time to reflect on my OCD and my progression in fighting back. Let's just say that the work is going well, and that explaining further would require more explanation than I currently have time for. But as usual, this is still where I turn when I feel like I need a place to express my feelings related to OCD, and the trials and triumphs in battling it. Instead of writing further this evening, I have been wanting to share a couple things I discovered when I went to my parents' house over the holidays. By "things" I mean high school writing assignments. These particular assignments caught my attention because they struck me as my attempt to try to capture, in words, this invisible and intangible thing forever keeping me bound and restrained - OCD that is. Back then, I didn't have a name for i...
looking at life with newfound knowledge of obsessive-compulsive disorder